11 Ways To Make Money With Flash Games

Submitted by: Alonzodd English

Have you ever created a flash game for fun? May be you have at college or uni or may be at home, do you know you can make a full time living making flash games from home. Surprised? Don’t be there are thousands of programmers each day submitting their games and earning good money for them from various websites.

Make $2000+ every month 11 Different Ways to do it

Softwares you will need is just one its Adobe Flash you should know that right, there are alost other programs such as flex and air where programmers can create some interactive designs but flash is the easiest if your out of practice.

To get started with flash get down to fidning tutorial from youtube, kirupa or flashkit websites, they are easy to find and very easy to digest.

All right now to get down to business, the scenario is you have made a great flash game that you want to make money from. 1. Some websites will pay you to put their logo or advertising before your game fully loads on a browser. Its called a sponsorship and it is very effective when you are a highly experience flash game design. You might be thinking why would they do that, well it’s because people who played the game might go on their website through a link and so the other website could earn money from ad revenue or other means. The amount you get paid depends on how good the game is so it could range from $50 – $2000+. Different websites pay different sums of money, their website usually contains information on how much they pay. Some sponsors are ArmorGames, CrazyMonkeyGames and FlashRage This way is a definite way of getting some money for your hard work. 2. If you have your own website, then in your game, link to your website so you get traffic to your website after you have submitted to some game portals like Newgrounds On your own website put some advertisements on so when visitors come from through the game, they might click on ads earning you more money. 3. Mochi ads is a good company who pays for advertising inside your game also you can buy other advertising. Don’t over do with your advertising because it will distract your players and they won’t return. Moderate advertising can keep your product fresh and profitable. 4. Some games websites offer contests and prizes for the best submitted games such as Newgrounds. Check them out every once in a while for new contests. This way usually offers a higher amount of money (depends on the contest hosting by the website) than sponsoring a game, however, if you don’t win you might not get any money. 5. Some websites also offer some of the ad revenue from their website if you submit the game to them. This is a great way to get some cash for your game. Some websites that offer this are GameGum 6. If the game is played a lot by many players, then some websites will pay you quite a lot of money for a non-exclusive license, which means they put their logo on the game but unlike sponsoring, the copy of the game is only allowed to display on their website so you can sell a lot of non-exclusive licenses if the game is good enough. 7. If the game is extremely brilliant and is played a lot, then you could win some awards for the game and get some cash with the awards. If you win one award then your game will be taken into account for other awards as well. 8. If you win some awards, then people will notice especially big game companies and they might ask you to make games for them on a contract basis or getting paid for every game you create. You might even be asked to make console games! 9. The game, if it gets enough awards and lots of people notice it, it could be turned into a console game and you would earn a lot of money through that, however this can only be turned into a reality with an extremely good game that has the potential to be turned into a console game. 10. You could make a demo version of the game and if people want to play the full version, they have to buy it. This could make a lot of money as if players like the game, they will buy it and you can sell the game as many times as you want making a lot of money. 11. Open your own aracade website and start hosting your games on it, you can earn revenue by advertising from yahoo, google or even amazon. There is a lot of money to be make from flash game websites check out race free game. A website simple as that can earn you some extra money every month. Hope my information was helpful to you now open flash and get working on your masterpiece.

About the Author: Author BioFreelance Web and Game designer




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