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Escape The Rat Race By Using These 7 Proven Principles
Merv Stevens
Successful internet marketer Joel Peterson, recently gave a talk on how to escape the rat race by using 7 proven principles. During the talk Joel gave some information on his past and how he used to work in corporate America but managed to escape that way of life nine years ago and has not looked back since.
So what are the principles Joel used to make this amazing transformation to a life of success and enjoyment for him and his family. Well he used 7 Proven Principles ANYONE can follow to escape the rat race.
Principle #1: Know Your Why
A few years ago Joel didnt even know the meaning of the phrase know your why. He was not into personal developlment and the last book he had read was a Harry Potter novel.
But now things have changed. Joel is an avid reader constantly renewing and improving his mind.His big why is spending time with his family, going on trips together and attending his childrens school events. This why has given him the desire and motivation to do what it takes to succeed in the network marketing and internet marketing arena.
It needs to be deeper than just getting more money or the big fancy house or car. It needs to be written down so that you can refer to it and remind yourself of what what your working towards when things get tough. Everyones why is different, but you need to identify yours and work on it.
Principle #2: Your Beliefs
This is a big, big, big one. You have to believe that whatever you are doing can really work. Its not just believing in the company you are with or the opportunity, but believing in yourself. You have to have the belief that YOU can accomplish things and that it can happen for you. And how do you do that you need to hear the testimonies of other people who are achieving success. This can be done by logging into company calls and webinars or by attending events.
People are attracted to positive people and so you have to put any negative attitudes you have aside. Start using positive words in your language and remove negative words like cant.
Principle #3: How You Treat Others
Unfortunately there are some internet marketers who treat people more like dollar signs rather than real living human beings. They do not care what type of product or services they sell as long as they are making money. We all know there are great internet marketing products out there, like Pure Leverage, which you can sell knowing that it will be of value and benefit to others. However, there are also a lot of scammy products that do not work and are a waste of time and money.
The unscrupulous internet marketer will sell all kinds of products, whether good or bad, and look upon their customers as numbers from whom money can be made. But a business run in this way will not last.If you want to build a long-term sustainable home business you have to stop treating people merely as dollar signs.
You have to remember that there is a real person behind everyone of your transactions a person just like you. If you start respecting your customers and thinking about them as real people then you will go onto build a profitable business with large and successful teams.
Principle #4: Taking Action
This is huge because when many people first get involved in a business they very get excited. They come to the seminars, go through the courses and may even get a blog. But unfortunately they do NOT do the actionable things required to build a business. When you start out you have to be focused and take action on the things that are really going to help you grow your business.
Escape The Rat Race By Using These 7 Proven Principles
If you are consistent in these actions then you will achieve success. When you get results then you will get more excited and take further effective action that will grow your business even more. But what is the #1 action to guarantee success? Invite people to take a look at your business opportunity.There are a number of ways to do this. You can invite people online or invite people in person.
If you focus just on this one action and invite people to take a look at a video, a presentation or attend a seminar, then you will achieve success. If you are not inviting everyday, whether that be on your blog, on your newsletter or in person, you will not have as much success. Even if you are the worst inviter, if you do enough of it, you will get better and in time become a master inviter and recruiter.
Principle #5: How You Handle Failure
A lot of the time people look at a successful marketer like Joel Peterson and say Oh, but youre so successful and everything you do turns to gold. But he had failed in many business previously, from a windscreen repair company, to solid waste disposal management and network marketing. Joel learnt from these failures.
If you quit and just curl up in a ball and turn the TV on and go back to your life of quiet desperation then you have a problem. Do not be afraid to fail. All successful people have had failures but they have learnt from them and used them as stepping stones on their path to success.
Principle #6: Keeping It Simple
Internet marketing can be a complicated business choosing a niche, building a blog, finding keywords, driving traffic, etc. But you need to focus on simplicity. Do a few simple things over and over again and teaching others to do the same, is all you need to build a successful business online.
Heres the thing. when you focus on those simple activities and you plug yourself into what is called the School of Involvement, over time you will learn those things that you think are complicated. Focusing on the simple activities will generate income now and those other things will take care of themselves. If you are trying to learn to much at one time and complicating things, then you are not keeping it simple and you will get over-whelmed.
Principle #7: Duplication
A lot of people are not aware of what duplication means. It means getting a group of people to do a few simple things over a consistent period of time. Once this happens then the people you teach will have success and the people they teach will also have success. Before you know it you will begin to get forty emails a day of downline signups and customer signups.
What happens as your business starts to grow is that you will find people who will begin to grow their business without needing you because duplication has occurred. This will happen as long as you follow a system that is simple and you teach other people to follow the same simple system. In this way you can grow a very large business.
Youll have to watch out for the Internet Marketing Hustle. A lot of internet marketers live from product launch to product launch. They create a product and then launch it relying on JVs (joint venture partners) to promote it. This is then repeated again and again the Internet Marketing Hustle. In this way you havent really created a business but just a glorified job, working crazy hours.
This method of business does not have duplication. Having a business with duplication pays you by leveraging not only your won efforts but also the effort of others. Focus on leverage.
The principals mentioned above will help you get rid of the chains that keep you tied to the corporate world. Focusing on these 7 Proven Principles and taking action will bring you success. Concentrate on the things that you want to overcome, have belief, be consistent in taking action and eventually you too will escape the rat race.
Merv Stevens
works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice and to find the best way for you to
escape the rat race
, go to his blog:
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