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Submitted by: Oleg Tchetchel
Duct fan is an axial flow through fan designed for low pressure building ventilation and industrial process application. The appliactions for Buffalo Blower – New York duct fans include heat, smoke, and fume removal; process ventilation and process air handling; proces drying with ambient or preheated up to 650 F air; comfort process cooling and general ventilation of buildngs. Available in direct drive arrangements 4/4M/4V/4D/4R and corresponding belt drive arrangements 9/9M/9V/9D/9R. Capacities: to 350,000 CFM. Static pressure to 1.5 inches water gauge.
Inlet flanges, outlet flanges, companion flanges for Buffalo Blower (New York) duct fans are continuosly welded to match ANSI class 125/150, DIN, ISO, or custom hole pattern.
Buffalo Blower – New York shaft seals are made with shafting is straightened to close tolerance to minimize “run-out” and ensure smooth operation. Bearings are of pillow plock, or flaged bearings. Ceramic shaft seal and lubricated shaft seals (Buna, Teflon, Viton) are standard. Red silicone gasketing is used on high temperature applications.
Heat fan construction on Buffalo Blower – New York inline duct fans goes up to 650 F and includes high temperature paint, shaft cooler, shaft and bearing tunel cooling auxiliary blower (optional), insulated shaft and bearing tunel, steel, or alloy wheel.
Aluminum wheel, Steel wheel, or Alloy wheel: duct fan for non-sparking x-proof applications is supplied in AMCA A, AMCA B, or AMCA C spark resistant construction in all aluminum welded construction, or in monel. For corrosive environment duct fan is supplied in 304 SS, 316 SS, or 316 L stainless steel construction. For chemical process applications duct fan is available in fiber reinforced plastic frp construction, or in polypropylene construction, or in plastic. For high temperature applications up to 650 F duct fan is supplied typically in steel welded construction. Cladding for sound attenuation and silencers consists of 2 inches mineral-wool insulation covered with a welded steel jacket. Bufflao Blower – New York Acoustic cloth jackets are available as inexpensive alternative. Inlet silencers/outlet silencers are supplied with matching flanges.
On many Buffalo Blower – New York ventilators external inlet vane damper is provided for precise air volume control. Standard accessories for Buffalo Blower – New York inline axial duct fans and blowers could be: flash / raised access door, inspection port, drain and plug, 3-way drain, mount feet, belt guard, motor cover, spring vibration isolation, rubber-in-share (RIS) vibration isolation, vibrating pads, electrical actuators, pneumatic actuators. Roof mount accessories are: roof curb mount cap, roof curb, weather band, weather shroud with integral flap damper, butterfly damper assembly, magnetic latches.
Complete control packages available on Buffalo Blower – New York fans are: variable frequency drives (VFD), across-the-line starters, RTDs, pressure sensors, flowmeters – complete control packages.
NYB Buffalo Blower Co. just finished the re-design of PT Power Tube Make-Up Air System – one of the most economical options for larger industrial plants ventilation air make up.
For additional information please refer to http://www.nybblower.com/ductfan.html.
Buffalo Blower – New York
Industrial Process and OEM Fan Designers
Buffalo Blower Canada Co.
About the Author: Buffalo Blower – New York Industrial Process and OEM Fan Designers Buffalo Blower Canada Co.
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