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Submitted by: Pat Munro
Looking for a great car loan to buy that awesome new or used vehicle youve been eyeing? It neednt be as daunting as you may think. Dont underestimate your ability to get a car loan, regardless of you current financial situation. Its not as difficult as some may lead you to believe. Car loan rates and terms will vary according to your credit history and monthly payment ability, but you can still do a little haggling to get a great price. Here are some important things to research before signing a car loan, take heed.
To start your search for a great car loan, first you need to consider the vehicles depreciation factor. Think about it, the quicker you pay off the loan, the more valuable your car will be due to depreciation factors. There are sites online designed specifically for people who are looking for the details on car depreciation and low loan rates.
Find a great rate
This will be a huge undertaking, so get ready to do some homework. Never accept the first loan offer from a dealership without knowing how they calculated the rate offered. You are ahead of the game if you visit a dealership which does the leg work for you. Many dealerships today will access the many different lenders in your area, and give you a detailed description of the best rates you can pay. If one of these is not in your area, try online car loan sites, they will submit your application to several qualified lenders and report back to you the information you need. Comparisons are the key to getting the best loan rate so it is a must. You can also get pre-approved before walking into the dealership, worry free. Remember, loan rates are factored on whether the car you intend to buy is new or used, and what your credit history is. Without the issue of searching for the best car financing, you can spend your time researching the best car for you.
Zero percent financing
This marketing bonanza has become very popular in todays market. You should know however, that only about a third of applications for zero down financing actually qualify and only 10 percent of those will close the deal. It sounds great, but isnt actually feasible for most of us, dont get discouraged. Many of those who do qualify will actually overpay the price of the car, because they dont bother getting comparison quotes. Remember that 0% car loans only apply to new vehicles.
Cash back loans
Some dealerships will offer cash back options for your purchase. These cash back loans can be applied against any outstanding debt you have which is affecting your ability to get a loan. You can also combine all debt including you new car loan into one payment increasing your ability to get the best loan rate. You could be driving the car you want now while consolidating your debt into a single monthly payment.
Do not look at cash back as a way to get cash in hand, that is a fools gamble which you will surely loose.
With a bit of know-how, anyone can get a car loan. Dont get discouraged by bad credit, or a limited income. You may have to accept an older model of car or a higher interest rate, but this isnt always the case. Start with your local car dealership and work from there. They will always give you the best, up to date information in order to get your business. You are a potential purchaser, and every car company out there would love to get you into their showrooms in hopes of gaining your business. You can do it.
About the Author: Visit http://www.harrisauto.ca for
new vehicles
used vehicles
auto financing
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