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Reason why there is so much Skin Cancer today.
The cause of skin cancer and melanomas does not lie entirely with the sun. If it did our ancestors would not have survived and we wouldnt be here. It was almost unheard of 100 years ago; its been slowly increasing over the last 40 to 50 years. Cases of melanomas have doubled in the U.K. in the past 30 years. The sun hasnt got any stronger and the ozone layer is still intact, but the foods we consume on a daily basis have changed vastly. Its the sun, combined with nutritional deficiency that causes skin cancer. Its the irritation caused by the sun burn that will determine where the cancer will take hold, but its the nutritional deficiencies and other lifestyle factors that causes it to grow, thats why it keeps reappearing after treatments. The only ways to cure any skin cancers or melanomas are to address the underlying causes.
Cancer is not a 100 different diseases as we have become to believe but one disease in over 100 different locations. All cancers have mostly common causes. Remember that many people get skin cancer in areas of the body that dont see a lot of the sun, like the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Also dark skin people get skin cancer just as much as fair skin people. The reasons why a person develops any cancer are well known, and to cure it, all these issues you must address.
The underlying causes are our lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, the use of too many toxic chemicals, many of which are know to be carcinogenic, our sedentary lifestyle, which because of it, our built in defence system which is our immune system has become sluggish and lastly emotional stress which does have a major impact on human health, including cancer.
Melanomas can be very aggressive so if one wants to cure themselves, they need to address all the factors mentioned above. Today we consume many foods which are not suitable for human consumption. For instance, processed foods which nearly all contain fat, salt or refined sugar and those 3 items are known contributors to cancer. The toxic chemicals we use on a daily basis which are mostly in personal care products and are absorbed into our body through our pores. Then we can thank the ubiquitous automobile for our lack of exercise. We need exercise to rid the body of toxins, as it boosts the all important immune system making it work more efficiently.
Emotional stress or unresolved conflict, not letting go of a problem, which might be the loss of a close friend, a business crisis or bankruptcy can have a major effect on the immune system and all cancers are simply a disease of a weak immune system.
There is no mystery about the causes of skin cancer or any other cancer. If you want to achieve a permanent cure, it is essential to eat freshly grown food everyday which is of paramount importance, remove all toxic chemicals, and get some exercise. If you are in the sun use some common sense and cover up during the hottest part of the day. That is the only way to become free of the disease.for good!
Skin cancer and melanomas are an entirely preventable and curable disease and our modern medical approaches are not necessary the most effective approach to healing cancer patients.
Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years gaining knowledge, particularly on the subject of cancer. If you have found this article helpful and would like to learn more, visit his website where you can download a free article that has been written with facts and information to help people overcome their cancer.
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