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Submitted by: Trucks Platform
Often, small details are overlooked. Although cigarette ends themselves are small, the problem of littering with them is of Quite the opposite. Over recent years the importance of going green has been highlighted innumerable times. It now goes without saying that we must all strive to become more environmentally friendly, in all aspects of our lives.
Another frequently debated topic is that of smoking, but despite wide ranges of products and services available to help people drop the habit, it is estimated that 25% of the UK workforce are smokers. Employers are under increasing pressure to reduce the amount of waste they produce, and providing cigarette bins is a simple and efficient way of helping to achieve a presentable and environmentally responsible business.
Surveys have found that a very high percentage of smokers admit they will drop cigarette ends on the ground, and almost half of those questioned had never used cigarette bins. These findings surely do not indicate that members of society who smoke are less concerned about littering, but instead indicate that not enough cigarette bins are provided. Ordinary facilities for disposing of litter do not meet this need for obvious reasons – they may catch fire if a smouldering cigarette butt is accidentally dropped in with other rubbish! The majority of smokers say that this fear of starting a fire is the main reason they would rather put cigarettes out on the ground.
Since the introduction of new UK laws on Sunday 1st July 2007, banning smoking in virtually all enclosed and substantially enclosed public spaces, more and more sectors have had to introduce outdoor facilities for smokers. Although there is no legal requirement for companies to provide clients or employees with cigarette bins, many have decided to provide these. From a company s point of view, it keeps a working environment clean. From a smoker s point of view it can allow them to have a cigarette responsibly, and have the proper means to dispose of the waste conveniently. Conscientious smokers may otherwise have to keep old cigarette ends in an old cigarette packet or similar receptacle until they could find a bin. This is, understandably, not something many would enjoy doing. Marking designated outdoor smoking areas with appropriate signage and providing cigarette bins means that any visitors to a workplace can easily spot where they need to smoke. It also sends a clear message that littering with cigarette ends is not acceptable. Since smoking is now prohibited within many buildings we can only assume that the number of cigarette ends dropped outside will increase dramatically. Some believe that this will turn into a major problem due to the fact that cigarette butts seem to last an awfully long time when dropped – are often seen lacking their original paper but showing little sign of being particularly biodegradable.
The only practical solution to this issue at the present time is to provide many more outdoor ash trays in public areas. Now that more people are smoking outside due to the change in law, cigarette bins are increasingly necessary and popular.
About the Author: To explore our range of cigarette bins, please visit our website at
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